Unlocking Strategic Insights for Long-Term Business Success

Carbon-Neutral Consulting is a business strategy consulting firm with deep expertise in the global energy transition. We help clients navigate opportunities and challenges in the fields of hydrogen, hydrogen derivatives such as ammonia and methanol, renewable energy, and transportation electrification.

About Us

We are Carbon-Neutral Consulting, a seasoned presence in the energy transition with a track record of client service since our founding in 2019. Our projects help clients realize enhanced strategic positioning, more vibrant options, and brighter long-term prospects.

Our consultants are based in the United States and work internationally at the intersection of commerce, science, engineering, regulation, and investment. Our clients are based across North America, South America, Europe, and Asia, and range from well-capitalized start-ups to global multinationals.

We base our business strategy counsel on situation-specific mandates that can include market assessment, customer profiling, pricing analysis, competitive analysis, regulation and policy analysis, financial modeling, technological assessment, pre-feasibility studies, investment due diligence, and stakeholder engagement.

Industry Focus Areas

We are conversant with the advancing frontiers of science, engineering, and regulatory policy, but view the energy landscape primarily as businesspeople. The result is an ability to marshal an integrated picture that can support rewarding investment and effective action.


We help companies participating in both new and existing markets for ammonia develop pathways toward sustainable, high-growth futures. Our principals were among the first to explore the potential of ammonia as an energy vector, and have close familiarity with the perspectives of investors, producers, traders, offtakers, and transporters active in these industries.


We have evaluated the gamut of hydrogen-energy technologies and work across the value chain from feedstocks to end usage. Our technical, market, policy, and economic knowledge informs our work with producers, offtakers, and associated parties involved in hydrogen projects.


We are often called upon to consider electricity supply arrangements related to clean fuel production and electrification projects. We routinely address issues related to power sourcing, green attribute instruments, grid bottlenecks, power purchase agreements, energy storage modalities, and microgrid development.


The electrification of on-road transportation using battery- and fuel-cell-based propulsion systems is among the most important frontiers of the energy transition. We are active in mapping business opportunities that are emerging at the intersection of the transportation, power generation, and clean fuels sectors.


Carbon-Neutral Consulting provides consulting services in the field of decarbonization and alternative energy generation, helping clients with business ventures and project development related to low-carbon fuels, renewable energy, and transportation electrification.

We work with leading investment firms, clean energy developers, hydrogen and ammonia producers, transportation companies, technology developers, and a wide range of other stakeholders.

Strategy Development

Firm Leadership

We work at the frontiers of commerce, science, engineering, regulation, and investment, but view the energy landscape primarily as businesspeople. The result is an ability to marshal integrated insights that can support rewarding investment and effective action.

Stephen H. Crolius

Trevor Stephan

Trevor Brown

Dayne L. Morkel, Ph.D.

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Get In Touch

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